It is easy to get to and from Karlshamn by train. In just 2 hours and 30 minute s you can be in Copenhagen. The trains depart from Karlshamn train station called Resecentum, which is located just east of the city center. In the same area you will also find Karlshamns Taxi and long-term parking.
Train station in Karlshamn
Tickets and information: Blekingetrafiken’s website or phone +46 (0)0455-569 00
Buy train and bus tickets in the ticket machine at the train station/Resecentrum, in the ticket machine in Flaggenhuset or at “Hemmakväll”.
Other agents for tickets in Blekinge.
For traffic information, booking or repurchase of tickets please contact Blekingetrafiken.
Blekingetrafiken website
Phone: +46 (0)455-569 00
For traffic information, booking or repurchase of tickets please contact Öresundståg.
Öresundståg website
Phone: +46 (0)771-77 77 11