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Get around easily by bus in the municipality of Karlshamn or to and from other cities. You will find current bus timetables on Blekingetrafikens website.


Bus traffic throughout Blekinge county, Kalmar and Växjö.
Tickets and information: Blekingetrafiken’s website or phone +46 (0)0455-569 00
Buy train and bus tickets in the ticket machine at the train station/Resecentrum, in the ticket machine in Flaggenhuset or at “Hemmakväll”.
Other agents for tickets in Blekinge.


There is a direct bus between Karlshamn and Alvesta if you want to take the Snälltåget to Stockholm. For the timetable, see website.

DFDS ferry terminal

You can easily get to and from the ferry terminal in Stilleryd with bus line no 5 during peak season/summertime. The bus timetable is adapted to suit the DFDS ferry timetable and the journey takes about 8-10 minutes. Timetable applies from 17 June to 11 August 2024, see timetable here.
Other times of the year, it is possible to book local transport via Blekingetrafiken (bus) every day of the week between 08:00-18:00, read more here. You can also book a taxi here.

Baltic Festival – extra buses 2024

During week 29 (Östersjöfestivalen – Baltic Festival), Karlshamns city center is closed to traffic and extra buses are used for all visitors. Find the timetables for all tours on Blekingetrafiken’s website.

Bus 666 during Sweden Rock Festival

During the festival in 2025 (Wednesday to Saturday) you can take the bus 666 from Norje and go east to Mörrum, Karlshamn, Ronneby and Karlskrona. You buy the ticket on the bus and will find the timetable here.

Sweden Rock Festival transferbuses 2025

Bus company Nobina is responsible for the commuter bus traffic, but you buy your wristband at Ticketmaster. Please note that the division of zones for the commuter buses is removed in 2025. Instead there will be one wristband sold, which is valid for both bus lines.
The bus wristband costs 849 SEK.
If you have booked a bus wristband, print your confirmation and take it along, as you will be asked for it on the first trip within your zone. At that point, you can exchange your confirmation for a physical wristband in Sweden Rock’s regular ticket exchange or in the VIP accreditation (should you have a VIP ticket).

Bus lines:
Kolleviks Camping – Karlshamn – Olofström – Jämshög –  Sölvesborg railway station – Hällevik – Mjällby – Bromölla Camping
Ronneby – Kristianstad railway station

More information is available at Sweden Rock Festival.  You can easily purchase one-way tickets via Nobina’s web shop Ticketmaster.